• A Weed Delivery Service

    Delivery Service About 6 months ago I decided to take on the task of building a delivery app for the cannabis industry. Here are a few notes from the journey so far. Why? I had just come off building software for Methadone suppliers. It tracked people coming off of harder opiates. As we all know here there is a very strong opiate problem in the United States. It has even caused the redefined CDC Guidelines on Prescribing Opioids for Pain.
  • Vehemenism

    Preface to Vehemenism Opening letter to future ultra-violent men. We stand at a transition. Either at the bottom of a cliff we may ascend, or at the precipice of one we will be pushed from. This “we” is addressed to men alone. Only we are the ones presented with this unique problem. It is a problem of perspective and one that contains many recursive questions. The answer to these questions will ultimately decide whether or not the observer was indeed a man.
  • eMail In A Box: Setup

    Test Drive: Mail In A Box TL;DR I set up Mail-in-a-Box and it was a quick and painless experience. Preface I am tired of managing so many gmail and outlook accounts. Those $5/mo bills really eat at me. So I wanted to try something simple. I got goosebumps when I saw this and had to try it. I’ll also preface that I was a professional email list manager and built an email service platform that was sending/receiving greater than 20 million emails a day.