• Car Computer Hardware

    Searching For The Right Car Computer Hardware My trip to Fry’s in LA this morning wasn’t as great as I hoped. But I did get some great ideas on how to accomplish things. There were two major themes in the hardware that I looked at. Small isolated modular things Apple stuff There wasn’t much for integration or components that were universal. Either they were for their own little world or they were for some subset of the Apple ecosystem.
  • Car Computer Intro

    Introduction To STAC Car Computer The purpose of the build out is to take a 100% analog vehicle and bring in modern creature comforts and a modern driveline. In addition to this I will be integrating a few technology tools that are developed at my current work. Scenario In the morning I would like to walk out to my car, walk up to the door and have it unlock for me.
  • Blockchain: End Of War

    Can Blockchain End War This is a very difficult premise to start with. Can a technology solve the problem of war? The plague of large scale violence is the manifestation of most of the world’s worst vices as a single catastrophic man-made event. Many intelligent people have opined on the causes of war over the years with few coming up with ideas and zero defining concrete solutions to those problems.