• Django Saleor eCommerce Review

    Django And eCommerce TL;DR I setup Oscar as a demo ecommerce project in the previous post. Preface Backstory I just finished a post about setting up eCommerce with Python Django and wasn’t totally pleased with the process. Also I don’t think it is fair to only demo a single application. I decided to give Saleor my second slot after talking with several people online and looking through its source. The parent company has a number of nice products which was confidence building.
  • Django eCommerce in 30+ Minutes

    Django And eCommerce TL;DR I like Python and want to use it for eCommerce, so I went through the well known products and settled on Oscar as my demo. It took a while to set up, but was pretty full featured. Python and Django still have to compete with short busses like wordpress and dump trucks like Magento, but I think these tools are ready for me to start pushing.
  • How To Setup a MapR Cluster on Ubuntu

    How To Install MapR Test Cluster This document covers my installation of MapR Converged Platform on an Ubuntu 14.04 cluster. We are running on the DTAC private cloud so some of the screenshots will show our internal interface. All instances are running in a VM. Most of this follows the suggested flow given in the lab manual from MapR. Initially I launched the cluster on CentOS 7.3 but that wasn’t supported and it failed.