Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. Socrates - Plutarch, How a Young Man Ought to Hear Poems
A Warrior’s Diet What physically intimate activity do we participate in more than any other?
The Philosophy One of the more immediate steps in becoming awake is overcoming the omnivore’s dilemma. The passion of hunger. We take other living things into our bodies and literally become one with them.
PHPUnit Is Slowness I love PHPUnit don’t get me wrong. More than a testing library, I like testing, or having tests. It’s like the code got yo back bro! Build code that lasts.
EDIT: I know most of the problems are inherent with tests not the testing framework. However, my requirements dictate how I use it to a certain extent. Peace.
PHPUnit is painfully slow. Seriously. Though. Maybe having a concurrent environment it can run it would help.
Yosemite National Park, CA Hiking in Yosemite
October 9 2015
I need to add more content but the pictures should speak for me. Supposing you need more than 1000 words to get the point.