• General Lee-Anne 001

    Here we go. 1969 hugger orange rust bucket. This thing barely stops. It stops when it wants to. So it’s kinda like a woman. Every bushing and joint is shot. Probably never replaced a thing on it. And the adventure begins. I’m using this truck as the first in my branded line of modified restorations. Our focus for these trucks is somewhere in between utility and aesthetics. Not just a mall crawler but something of a useful truck that also gets attention.
  • Data Mining to Strengthen Border Security Zettafox, a privately owned consultancy, is focusing on a method to mine big data to assist border security officials gauge the risk factor of visitors, a vital area following recent deadly assaults in Brussels and Paris by Islamic State attackers. A grave concern on frontier control has risen as attackers entered national edges before staging explosive device attacks that left dozens dead in the heart of the two European capitals.
  • Jill Cataldo: What An Expert is Saying About Data Mining and Shopping When you buy online, make use of a store�s loyalty program, print a coupon or perhaps pay with your credit card, your personal date has been mined. It isn’t essential to be alarmed, though - marketers use data mining to enhance the sorts of offers that are delivered to shoppers and customers. My visitors have observed some interesting good examples of (information mining)[http://www.