• Management for Quality Software Development Managers

    This started as a list of notes for my boss on how I see the best way to manage technical professionals. I am trying to provide non-technical managers with the resources to direct technical teams in a way that will produce quality software and keep the engineering staff engaged and moving. How do you build software that provides value to both clients, users, owners and engineers for the years to come?
  • Mono Lake, California

    Mono Lake Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve A large, shallow saline soda lake in Mono County, next to the city of Lee Vining, California Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve This lake was formed at least 760,000 years ago as a terminal lake in an endorheic basin. This means minerals flowed in from underground rivers and then sprung up through the ground to create those amazing Tufas you see marking the shores.

  • Night Photography, San Fernando Valley, CA

    Night Photography over San Fernando Valley A light dressed up and stitched together panorama of the valley. This overlooks the Warner Center. Night Photography, San Fernando Valley, CANight Photography, San Fernando Valley, CA I will just let the rest speak for themselves.