What Companies Do Not Understand About Employing for Data Scientist

Within The Data Incubator, I’ve spoken to hundreds of companies searching to make use of the expertise of data scientists - particularly people with advanced levels. Due to the hype surrounding big data nowadays, it’s unsurprising that there’s as much floating around as there are facts. Sadly, employing managers frequently be a victim of believing many common misconceptions actually was. Listed below are three particulars about data science that employing managers may not understand:

  1. Data scientists and software engineers are not the same.
  2. Big data is more than statistics and intelligence.
  3. Data scientists need to understand the business.

Data science requires a mix of the best engineering, statistical, and business skills to be able to build the very best models. Understanding this is actually the initial step for any employing manager searching to get the best data science talent for his or her company.

Read more about this news at https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269919.